Thursday 14 November 2019

Development and Implementation of Highway Electric Power Generation using Wind Turbine for Smart Traffic and Light Control System

Volume 7 Issue 2 January - June 2019

Research Paper

Development and Implementation of Highway Electric Power Generation using Wind Turbine for Smart Traffic and Light Control System

Gopalakrishna Murthy C. R.* , Apeksha M.**, Apoorva J. Purohit***, Ashalatha A.****, Kouser Khanum*****
*_*****Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, K S School of Engineering and Management, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
Murthy, C. R. G., Apeksha, M., Purohit, A. J., Ashalatha, A., & Khanum, K. (2019). Development and Implementation of Highway Electric Power Generation using Wind Turbine for Smart Traffic and Light Control System. i-manager's Journal on Embedded Systems, 7(2), 28-35.


One of the major energy required in today’s life is electricity. The demand and supply of electricity is at misbalanced. There are many renewable resources such as wind energy, solar energy, nuclear energy etc. The problem of demand and supply can be overcome by using wind energy present in highway by moving vehicles and also Nowadays, traffic is big issue particular in highways at junctions. The motivation of the project is to contribute one of the methods of generating electricity using wind energy which is generated by the moving vehicles on highways and ensuring smart control of the traffic at junction or network with the current and expected arrivals of traffic. This project deals with stand-alone system, energy reusing, low cost and real time controlling system. This system consists of two parts: a) Electric power generation b) Smart traffic control. In electric power generation, Vertical axis wind turbine is placed on the medians therefore wind flow from both sides of the highway will be considered. Using all the collected data, existing streetlight poles on the medians can be mounted with these wind turbines. Since the wind source will fluctuate and hence an additional source of solar energy is used. A storage system for power generated will be designed to distribute and maintain a constant source of power for streetlights and traffic signals. For Smart traffic control system, the dynamic delay logic implemented with respect to traffic density. IR sensors which are mounted on either side of the road will monitor the traffic density and the sensed output is given to microcontroller (W78E054D). A Bluetooth controller app is used for priority exit of emergency vehicles. Thus, depending on the density of traffic the dynamic delay of the traffic lights are appropriately set. From solar panel we are getting power of about 5.2 watts and from wind turbines we are getting about 1.5 Watts of power. Therefore, the total power obtained is around 6.7 Watts. The main aim of our project was to develop and implement Highway electric power generation using wind turbines for smart traffic light control system and also provide priority for emergency vehicles such as ambulance.


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